Version 2.0 – Better Search and Discovery UX – HadCoffee Blog

Version 2.0 – Better Search and Discovery UX

Ok, it’s been a while and I think to make it more useful I need:

  • Better search with location autocomplete (suburb list), and Algolia or Meilisearch backend to do better natural language and sorting
  • Map result display
  • More photos for cafes so you can get a better sense of them

The lists (ToTry, Fav) should probably also be sortable by arbitrary location too.


  1. Get uniquified Australian suburb DB list
  2. Build an autocomplete using it so it’s way easier to select a location (Algolia?)
  3. Use that on main search and adding a cafe
  4. Once main search pulls location that way you can rewrite the querying to use location + Algolia to actually return results.
  5. Then UX improvements: Show them on a map etc.